I was fortunate to interview these three incredible ladies that are passionate about supporting those with Irlen Syndrome to lead a better quality of life. Jenny, Ninon and Dianne all very experienced educators and highly experienced Irlen diagnosticians working from their clinics in South East Queensland, they are very understanding and compassionate when it comes to the needs of their clients, it was lovely to hear them share some of their favourite Irlen success stories.
I was touched to hear Jenny speak with delight about her client who, prior to being diagnosed with Irlen syndrome, was unable to participate in family photos, due to light sensitivity causing her to have epileptic fits and seizures when the flash went off.
Fortunately, there is now growing research around the effects of light on the brain and according to Rhonda Stone Author of ‘The Light Barrier’
One of the most serious symptoms of Irlen Syndrome can be epileptic seizure (now widely understood to be caused by strobing, but less understood to be caused by what researcher Arnold Wilkins, Ph.D. University of Essex, calls “visual stress”)
Jenny happily reports that her client finds that her Irlen lenses have helped to calm her epilepsy, considerably and she is now able to study, participate in family photos and generally enjoy a better quality of life.
Ninon is a highly experienced educator and Irlen diagnostician from the Gold Coast Irlen Clinic. It was so nice to hear her speak of the results she achieved with a client suffering from PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and Acquired Head Injury (TBI). The client noticed a huge improvement after wearing her Irlen tinted lenses.
The Irlen Institute presented their research at the World Congress on Brain Injury in San Francisco CA in 2014. The research was conducted on 134 Military personnel diagnosed with medically resistant headaches and migraines and chronic light sensitivity as a result of a combat-related brain or head trauma were seen at the Irlen Institute for treatment.
According to evidence reported by the Irlen Institute, Veterans reported a significant decrease in the occurrence of headaches, migraines and difficulties in a variety of other areas of their ability to function. Ex-service men and woman were prescribed uniquely individualized tinted Irlen lenses to be worn as glasses and within a three-month period, an assessment showed a significant decrease in light sensitivity, headaches and migraine for all participants, which is great news for those struggling with PTSD and Acquired Head Injuries.
Dianne has been diagnosing clients with Irlen Syndrome for years and is often surprised at how highly intelligent her clients are who present with Irlen Syndrome symptoms. In one family the children were B students in spite of the distortions (Visual Dyslexia), this was due to their sheer determination, hard work and a passion for learning. After being diagnosed and prescribed uniquely tinted Irlen lenses they are now achieving A’s and Distinctions, with one sibling currently completing a Ph.D.
Irlen spectral filters can certainly help people with a wide range of visual processing disorders and Acquired Head Injury to achieve their goals and have an improved quality of life. Be sure to book a screening with one of our Irlen diagnosticians.